A New Day to Love

The sun is rising on a new day the Lord has made. A day He intricately formed for us long before He knit us together in our mother’s womb, with hands full of care and delight. A day He thought enough of to write of it in detail in the pages of His book. A lavish and loving gift He has graciously given to you and to me (Psalm 139). 

What will we do, with this day the Lord has made? Will we accept the good works the Lord has prepared and placed before us (Ephesians 2:10)? Will we slow down to God’s pace and cheerfully accept the interruptions He’s divinely scheduled? Will we walk in the Spirit of Jesus, submitting to His commands and doing as He would do (John 14:15-31)?

Will we believe that God’s presence is with us in every moment that passes? That He is lovingly holding our hand and leading us further and further into life everlasting? That regardless of our circumstances He is working diligently for our good and has beautiful things planned for our future (Jeremiah 29:10-14)? 

Will we give thanks to the Lord (for He is GOOD) for all the immeasurable blessings we’ll receive today (Psalm 136)? Or will we ungratefully pass them by, face in phone and thoughts in turmoil over things external? Will we cast our cares on the Lord, trusting He is mighty to save and our life is safe in Him? Will we boldly choose to rejoice in this day the Lord has made and exuberantly so, choosing faith over fear because He is and has always been faithful? What can man do to us? We are His and He is ours. Ever at our side as our helper and friend (Psalm 118). 

Will we bravely ask for His correction and accept it when it comes as the loving discipline it is? The guidance of a good, good Father, who cares too much to see His children swept away from all that’s good in their wicked disobedience (Hebrews 12:5-11). Will we offer up what’s inside our soul and dig deep, asking what’s behind any unloving actions and feelings? Will we submit what we find to Jesus and ask Him to change us? For His strength to do better? For His love to pour in and push out what doesn’t belong? Will we choose to believe He’s conquered sin and therefore so can we (Romans 8)?

Will we choose to love others regardless of how we feel about it? Our family, friends, coworkers...especially those who challenge us most? Will we forgive those who’ve hurt us, so our hearts can heal and fully receive God’s love? Choosing to believe that our battles are not against their flesh and blood, but against evil forces in the heavenly realm, working through them to destroy us and our faith (Ephesians 6:12)? To take us down a sinful road of bitterness that leads to a dreadfully powerless life? Will we choose to believe God’s direction that evil can’t overcome evil? That only good can do that (Romans 12:9-21)? Will we choose to love them enough to shine God’s light on them instead of our fleshly hatred, in hopes of saving them from their own despair? Remembering a time when we, too, didn’t deserve grace, but was eagerly given it as soon as we asked?

Just now, how fitting, my toddler son asks, “Why did the sun come up again mommy?” As I searched my heart for the right answer, I quickly realized I didn’t want to say, “Because that’s what it does” or give a more scientific reply. While those things are true, behind them is a deeper truth - the sun rises because God commands the earth to turn until we’re again blessed with the sun’s presence. Each new day isn’t promised. It isn’t a sure thing. It’s a gift. A very meaningful gift, full of the purposes of God. 

I finally answered, “Because God wanted to give us one more day to love each other.” 

One more day to love God and love each other. The one command into which Jesus summed the entire law. What a blessing. If today He comes back for us in all His glory, may He find us faithfully doing just that.


Wholehearted Health


The Narrow Gate